Using a Custom Submit Button Image

  • Updated
Choose a customized design for your Form's Submit button, including using an image from your Image Library, instead of the default.


New Forms

  1. Upload the button image you wish to use in your Image Library
    • Within the Image Library, you can also choose any of the stock images that have already been uploaded to your account
  2. Navigate to Content > Forms
  3. Create a new Form or edit an existing Form
  4. From the Design tab, drag a Submit Button block onto your Form
    • Optional: Click the Submit Button that you already have
  5. Click the Image section and choose Select Image
  6. Select the relevant image from your Image Library
  7. Enter the desired Button Width and Button Height
    • The default Submit button is about 70 pixels wide and 40 pixels high
    • Check the box for Stretch if you want the image to fill the entire button, or choose Repeat X or Repeat Y to create a repeating pattern
    • You may also want to adjust the Padding in the Design section to ensure that the Submit text is properly positioned on the image
  8. Click OK to apply these changes

Classic Forms

  1. Upload the button image you wish to use in your Image Library
    • Within the Image Library, you can also choose any of the stock images that have already been uploaded to your account
  2. Click on Content, and click Forms
  3. Create a new Form, or edit an existing Form
  4. Hover over any field in the Form editor, and click New
  5. Click Submit Button
  6. Click OK
  7. Click the Alignment drop-down, and choose to align the Submit button to the left, center, or right of the Form
  8. Click Select Image, and locate the image you wish to use from the folders
  9. Click on the image
    • Click Select Image if you want to change the Submit button to a different image
    • Click Reset Image if you want to use the default Submit button
  10. Click Submit
  11. Drag and drop the newly-inserted Submit button above or below any of the fields in your Form
  12. Save your Form

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