Infor CRM Sales Portal User Guide

  • Updated

Act-On provides sales representatives with data on their assigned leads and contacts through the Sales User Portal view.

NetSuite Sales users have access to the Website Prospector report, previously sent messages and a general overview through My Act-On. Other features like Outlook integration, website prospector alerts, and the Visitor Report Daily Email are also available.

Disclaimer: Act-On only supports customers who've already activated the Infor CRM connector. The information here is for existing accounts, and Infor CRM is no longer an available integration for accounts that don't already have the Infor CRM connector activated.


Getting Started

We recommend sharing a login link with your sales users to help them access Act-On.

Website Prospector Alerts

Set up your Website Prospector report to show only the known and anonymous visitors in your territory.

  • On the left navigation bar, click the Website Prospector Report option under the Settings heading
  • Go to Show Visitors > All and click to open the editing options
  • In the first drop-down menu, choose Report visitors matching these criteria
  • In the following menus, choose relevant tracking information such as the area codes, states, or countries you’d like to view in the Anonymous Visitors view. This will include visitors who are not currently tracked by name, but by IP address only. Usually, these tracking options are set to correspond with your sales territory.
  • Click Submit once you’ve finished making your selections

Set Up Your Daily Email Report Settings

  • On the left navigation bar, Click Website Prospector Report under Settings
  • To set up your email settings click on Report Email Settings in the upper right corner of the page
  • On the Visitor Report Daily Email Settings page, click on the name of any user you wish to receive the daily email
  • A drop-down will appear. Check the box that says Enable Email Daily Digest of Website Prospector and enter any other email addresses that you would like to copy on your daily report, and click Submit
  • Click to view a sample report

My Website Prospector

Website prospector tracking allows you to track the activity of anonymous and known visitors coming to your website, as well as Act-On forms, and landing pages.

  • On the left navigation panel, click My Website Prospector to display the website prospector tracking area. You have the ability to manipulate the time frame that you are viewing. By default, this will be set to "Today" which shows all visitors from the current day only. To expand your search, choose a different time frame using the drop-down menu.
    • Anonymous – This shows anonymous visitors to your site. These are visitors who have not yet interacted with Act-On and therefore, are not known by name. Once you establish website prospector filters, you will only see visitors for your designated region. Hovering over the visitor will expose additional options.
    • Known – Displays all known visitors to your website. If you have defined Sales Prospects lists, however, instead of the Known tab, you will see two other tabs: Leads & Contacts and Marketing Prospects. The Leads & Contacts tab allows you to see leads and contacts that you own in NetSuite CRM that have previously interacted with Act-On. This means that the system knows who they are and can tell you, by name, that they have visited your website. The Marketing Prospects tab contains visitors that are known but no current account ownership has been assigned.
    • The website prospector area provides the first method for setting up alerts. If you have visitors here, hover over the visitor and notice that you can click Add to Alerts which will automatically set up a rule to alert you every time that person visits your website. You can also set alerts in the Anonymous Visitors and the Marketing Prospects tabs.
      Infor CRM Sales Portal User Guide 01.png

Visitor Alerts

The website prospector area provides the first method for setting up alerts. If you have visitors here, hover over the visitor and notice that you can click Add to Alerts which will automatically set up a rule to alert you every time that person visits your website.


You can also set alerts in the Anonymous Visitors and the Marketing Prospects tabs.

To set up a new alert:

  • Click Website Prospector Alerts under Settings.
  • Click Add Alert to set up an alert with the criteria you define. You can add as many individual alert settings as you need with different conditions.
  • Notice that the alert is set to send an email to you at first; however, you can add additional email addresses (separated by semicolons) to notify other individuals in your company. Next, use the drop-down menu next to the IF condition which allows you to select from a number of conditions. We recommend the State or Country condition allowing you to set up alerts for your territory.
  • After selecting the State or Country condition, a text box appears to the right with a blue arrow button. Click the blue arrow to select states and countries relevant to your territory.
  • You can continue setting up additional alerts or simply click Save in the upper right corner.

My Sent Messages

If a message is sent on your behalf (from you) or by you via using the Outlook connector, these messages will be displayed in the Home > My Sent Messages section which allows you to view your message reports. A listing of sent emails will appear and you can drill down into each one to see specific analytics.


You can modify your profile information in the My Profile section.

  • Name tab – Fill out your profile and make sure your time zone is accurate
  • Password – Your sales users can update their password here at any time
  • Organization – By default, the marketing user has already defined the default address which appears at the bottom of each email message. However, you can enter a different physical mailing address if you like. Make sure to check with your marketing department prior to making any changes to your email communications.

The Signatures section allows you access to multiple signatures for use in email.

  • My Signatures – Generate as many customs signatures as you like. When creating an email, you can then quickly select which signature you wish to use for your message. Any signature generated here is specific to your account and accessible only to you.
  • Account Signatures – In addition to the personal signatures you have created in the My Signatures tab, your Act-On marketing users can create account-wide signatures which are available to all users. When creating an email message, you will have access to these account signatures as well.

Sending Act-On Email Messages

You can send marketing-approved and created emails with just a few clicks. When a lead or contact clicks on emails sent through Act-On, you will be able to see their website visits by name and set up alerts for those prospects.

To send an Act-On email message you will be using Act-On anywhere for either Outlook or Gmail.

  • Clicking on the Send Act-On Email button will present three options:
    • Start With a Blank Message – This allows you to create an email from scratch
    • Start from a Message Template – This is the option you will use most often. Your marketing team can create templates you can use to send emails to your prospects.
    • Start from a Previous Message – This option allows you to view emails that you have sent in the past to reuse again for a new lead or prospect
  • When starting from a message template or any previous email, you have the option to customize the email for your lead or contact
  • After customizing the email or simply reviewing it for accuracy, ensure the 'To:' field is populated with the lead or contact’s email address
  • Use the test option to send a sample email to yourself to check the formatting and click-through links in your message
  • To send the email, click the Send button in the upper right corner. The email will be sent on your behalf to the lead or contact you chose.

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