Act-On's NetSuite integration enables Act-On to deliver more highly qualified, sales-ready leads to the NetSuite sales team. Data is pushed and pulled between the two systems, keeping Act-On lists synchronized with the NetSuite database. Typically, this means pulling contact information such as name, email address, and other contact details from NetSuite and pushing the Act-On lead score back to NetSuite to allow the sales team to see their most engaged contacts in NetSuite.
Act-On provides NetSuite sales representatives with data on their assigned leads and contacts through the Sales User Portal view. Directly in NetSuite, Sales users have access to the following features:
- Hot Prospects Dashboard
- Website Prospector
- Send Act-On Emails
- Sent Email reports
- Activity History
Getting Started
Your Act-On Administrator must register your account as a Sales User in Act-On to have access to these features. Then you will receive an email to set your password. Your Act-On username should be the same as your email address for NetSuite.
When you are set up, you can access Act-On's Sales Portal directly by logging into with your new username and password, however, you will have more features if you use Act-On directly in NetSuite.
Hot Prospects Dashboard
If you use Marketing Lists, Act-On can create leads in a NetSuite Hot Prospects dashboard. This is not yet supported with Act-On Contacts. Look out for our product updates here.
Set Up Hot Prospects
Once your Act-On administrator has set up Hot Prospects in Act-On (see NetSuite Integration for instructions, including installing the Act-On bundle in the NetSuite account), add Hot Prospects to your home page in NetSuite:
- Log into NetSuite
- From the Home page, click Personalize
- Choose Custom Portlet:
- Once the blank portlet loads, hover your mouse and click on the top right corner
- Click Set Up:
- In the drop-down menu for Source, choose Act-On Hot Prospects Dashboard
- Click Save.
Hot Prospects Dashboard Features
The Hot Prospects dashboard lists up to 20 of your top prospects in an order of priority so you can quickly identify and review your most active prospects. This list contains links to the contact record, the company record, and the Act-On Activity History.
Scoring and Priority Ranking
Hot Prospects uses a unique behavior score calculation that determines:
- The priority of a given prospect.
- The order of prospects in the list.
This score includes inbound activity including form submits, message clicks, and other activities like attending a webinar. The score is calculated considering this behavior over the time frame specified.
The Hot Prospects score does not include the following behaviors, as they are passive or provide a low indication of engagement:
- Message Sent
- Message Open
- Entering/Exiting an Automated Program
Priority is reflected with a 1 to 4 magnitude, where the prospect with the highest score has a priority of 4 and the prospect with the lowest score has a magnitude of 1.
Hovering over the priority rank will reveal the score for the prospect.
Changing the Time Frame
You can change the time frame of activity to consider for this report, and doing so may change the prospects who appear in the list as well as their priority order.
Viewing Activity History
When viewing a contact record (Lead, Prospect, Customer), you can click on Act-On Activity History to view the Contact Report, which reports the web activity history that Act-On has tracked for the individual contact.
For more information on this report, see The Contact Report.
Act-On Dashboard
Set Up Act-On Dashboard
- Log in to NetSuite
- Click on the Act-On Tab.
- On the Custom Content box - click the three dots > Set Up.
- Choose the source “Act-On Dashboard Portlet"
- Click Save
Act-On Dashboard Features
My Website Prospector
Website prospector tracking allows you to track the activity of anonymous and known visitors coming to your website, as well as Act-On forms, and landing pages.
On the left navigation panel, click My Website Prospector to display the website prospector tracking area. You can adjust the time frame that you are viewing. By default, this will be set to "Today" which shows all visitors from the current day only. To expand your search, choose a different time frame using the drop-down menu.
For more information on this feature, see the Website Prospector Daily Digest Overview.
My Sent Messages
If a message is sent by you, or on your behalf (via Personalized From), these messages will be displayed in the My Sent Messages section. Here you can access your message reports. A listing of sent emails will appear and you can drill down into each one to see specific analytics.
For more information, see Using Sent Message Reports.
My Scheduled Messages
Here, you can see any messages that have been scheduled to be sent in the future.
When hovering over the message, you can reschedule the message for another time or unschedule/cancel the send by moving it back to drafts.
My Act-On
This is a quick-reference dashboard of all Act-On-related activity by category:
- Companies Visiting
- People Visiting
- Web Pages Getting Visits
- Landing Pages Getting Visits
- Messages Getting Opens & Clicks
- Forms Getting Views & Submits
You can change the time frame of the dashboard by clicking the drop-down menu.
You can modify your profile information in the Profile section.
- Name – Fill out your profile and make sure your time zone is accurate
- Password – You can update your Act-On password here at any time
- Organization – This page reflects the Organization name to be used in your outbound Act-On communications. This cannot be changed by a Sales User.
- Addresses – By default, the marketing user has already defined the default address which appears at the bottom of each email message. However, you can enter a different physical mailing address if you like. Make sure to check with your marketing department before making any changes to your email communications.
Alerts – Set up SMS alerts for your Website Prospector Alerts. (optional)
- To set this up, you will need to know the SMS email address that routes to your cellular phone.
- You may use our tool to get this address for the most popular US carriers.
- Click Test to send a test text message and confirm the address is correct.
- If you are not receiving these messages, confirm with your cellular carrier that you are using the correct address.
- This is a notification setting. To control the alerts that send the notification, see Website Prospector Alerts (below).
- Standard SMS rates apply.
- Policies – Set password and timeout policies, for example, to match your organization's security policy.
The Signatures section allows you access to signatures & other assets for use in email.
My Signatures – Generate as many customs signatures as you like. When creating an email, you can then quickly select which signature you wish to use for your message. Any signature generated here is specific to your account and accessible only to you:
- Account Signatures – In addition to the personal signatures you have created in the My Signatures tab, your Act-On marketing users can create account-wide signatures which are available to all users. When creating an email message, you will have access to these account signatures if they have been set up.
- Logo – View your currently used logos. Click + Add to add more. See Add Your Logo.
- Favicon – View your current favicon used for your Act-On Landing Pages and Forms. Click Edit to change it. See How to Add a Favicon.
- URL – View your current marketing domain. Click Edit to change it. See How to Add a Custom Marketing Domain with an SSL Certificate.
- Custom Link – View the custom shortcut to a page your team accesses frequently, such as your company's homepage. Click Edit to change it.
Website Prospector Alerts
Create custom alerts so you are immediately notified when a site visitor meets certain conditions, for example:
You can add multiple alerts, edit the email for each alert, and add multiple criteria per alert. Also, see Setting Up Website Prospector Alerts.
Website Prospector Report
In addition to real-time alerts, you can set up a daily email report reflecting all of the website prospector visits you want to see.
- On the left navigation bar, click Website Prospector Report
- First review the Content Filters.
- Under Show Visitors, click ---all--- to expand filter settings.
- This will limit the prospects that are included in your daily email.
- Next, set up your daily digest:
- Click on Digest Emails in the upper right corner of the page
- On the Digest Emails page, click on the icon underneath Email
- Check the box that says Enable Website Prospector Daily Digest Email.
- Enter any other email addresses to which you would like to send copies of the same daily report
- Click Submit:
Here is a sample daily digest report:
Setting Up Alerts for Specific Visitors
The website prospector area provides the first method for setting up alerts. If you have visitors here, hover over the visitor and click the drop-down menu. Notice that you can click Add to Alerts which will automatically set up a rule to alert you every time that person visits your website.
You will receive a pop-up asking to confirm. Click Ok.
These alerts can be managed/canceled in the Website Prospector Alerts section of this dashboard.
Sending Act-On Email Messages
You can send marketing-approved emails with just a few clicks. When a lead or contact clicks on emails sent through Act-On, you will be able to see their website visits by name and set up alerts for those prospects.
- Click on the Send Act-On Email button. You will have three options:
- Start With a Blank Message – This allows you to create an email from scratch
- Start from a Message Template – This is the option you will use most often. Your marketing team can create templates you can use to send emails to your prospects.
- Start from a Previous Message – This option allows you to view emails that you have sent in the past to reuse again for a new lead or prospect
- When starting from a message template or any previous email, you have the option to customize the email for your lead or contact
- After customizing the email or simply reviewing it for accuracy, ensure the 'To:' field is populated with the lead or contact’s email address
- Use the Test button to send a sample email to yourself to check the formatting and click-through links in your message.
- To send the email, click the Send button in the upper right corner.
You may also use our Act-On Anywhere plugin for either Outlook or Gmail to send messages to your NetSuite contacts.
Error: Your account is not set up for access to Act-On...
If you are logged in using your NetSuite Sales Rep role and you are seeing this error, first clear your browser cache and cookies.
If the error persists, contact your Act-On administrator and have them confirm that your user's email address is registered in Act-On as a Sales User. Instructions here: Adding or Deleting Users.
Why do I see Act-On Activity History twice?
This can be corrected by your NetSuite Administrator. Find our instructions to fix this issue here: NetSuite Integration Guide: Remove Duplicate Activity History.
My Hot Prospects Dashboard does not show any contacts.
First, review the Website Prospector and identify a known contact you expect to see in Hot Prospects.
Locate their record in NetSuite and review the following:
- Sales Rep. The contact and company must be assigned to your user.
- Company Status and Stage. Hot Prospects is based on the stage that the Company is set to, not the contact stage. (Lead, Prospect, or Customer)
- Contact Activity History. The contact must have inbound behavior in the past x days (as selected in the drop-down in Hot Prospects)
Lead Score. The contact must have a non-zero Hot Prospects score for inbound behavior over the past x days. Check this by viewing the contact's Activity History. In the Overview tab, there is a Behavioral Score at the bottom of the page. Click on the behavioral score to drill down the behaviors that are contributing to the score. On this page, there is also a report of when the most recent Inbound behavior took place.
The Hot Prospects score does not include the following behaviors, as they are either passive/outbound or provide a low indication of engagement:
- Message Sent
- Message Open
- Entering/Exiting an Automated Program
If you are still having issues, ask your Act-On Administrator to review the following checklist:
- Is the NetSuite connector active? (read more)
- Is the Beacon Tracker collecting data? (read more)
- Are the Lead Scoring rules set up? (read more)
- Are the NetSuite Sales Reps registered in Act-On as Sales Users with the same e-mail address? (read more)
- Do you have a list assigned for Sales Prospects? (read more)
- Does this list have the Sales Rep field?
- Has the list successfully synced recently?
- Does the Sales Rep reporting the issue have contacts in this list?
Use list segmentation to check. - Do these contacts have inbound behavior in the past x days?
Use list segmentation to check.