Start or Pause an Automated Program

  • Updated

Pause your Automated Program to edit it in the Journey Builder, then restart it to enable your changes. This can be done anytime in the Automated Programs Dashboard.

Start a Program & Add Contacts

To start your automated program:

  1. Go to Automation > Automated Programs.
  2. Hover over the program you'd like to start and click Show dashboard:


  1. In the Automated Programs Dashboard, next to Program is paused, click Actions and then click Start program:
    You can also click the play button in the All Programs list shown above.
    • You may see a Program has errors status if your program is missing important elements. Click View errors to view and fix any missing program elements.


  1. You'll be prompted to add contacts from your program's Source List. Select one of the following:
    • Add contacts to program – All contacts from your program's Source List(s) will enter the first step of your program.
    • Exit contacts from program – All contacts from your program's Source List(s) will exit the program.


Once you've started your program, new contacts will enter based on the schedule you've set in General Settings in the Automated Journey Builder. These options include:


When New Contacts Enter


Only when you go to the Automated Programs Dashboard and click Manage Pending Contacts


Automatically when they enter the program's Source List

For example: If your program's Source List is a Form Submission List, contacts will enter when they submit your form


At the frequency and times you've specified (Daily/Weekly/Monthly/etc.)

Pause a Program

You can pause a running program when you need to:

  • Make changes to your automated program settings or steps
  • End your marketing campaign

Pausing your program will halt all progress and keep your contacts in their current step until you decide to restart. Learn more about pausing programs here.

To pause your program:

  1. Go to Automation > Automated Programs.
  2. Hover over the running program (with a green dot) you'd like to pause and click Pause program:


  • You can also click Show dashboard, and next to Program is running (top right), click Actions and then click Pause program:


Clear Program History

When paused, you can clear the history of a program, for example, when completing testing.

  1. Go to Automation > Automated Programs, find the program you want, and ensure it's paused (with a yellow dot) as explained above.
  2. Click the program name to open it and at the top right in the Actions menu, click Clear program history:

Start or Pause an Automated Program 01.png

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