Automated Program Classic Editor FAQs

  • Updated
This article describes our Classic Automated Program Editor, which is no longer actively supported. You cannot create new programs in the Classic Editor. You can, however, edit your existing programs in the Classic Editor. Learn more here.
Use our newer, simplified Automated Journey Builder to create and manage your automated programs.

How is Automated Journey Builder different from the Classic program editor?

  • The Automated Journey Builder makes it easier to understand program flow, particularly when branching is used. It allows you to follow program branches and visualize how contacts move through the program.
  • Building a program is faster and less prone to errors in the Automated Journey Builder.
  • It’s easier to troubleshoot and spot mistakes in the Automated Journey Builder visual program flow.
  • The same program steps and actions are supported in the Automated Journey Builder and the Classic editor.
  • Unlike the Classic editor, the Automated Journey Builder uses the + button for adding program steps. Drag and drop of steps into the program is not supported.

Can I continue using the Classic editor?

The Classic editor will be available alongside the Automated Journey Builder initially. Eventually, the Automated Journey Builder will be the only available option for building and managing automated programs.

The Classic editor will not contain new features, such as SMS steps.

Can I edit the same program in either the new or classic interface?

Yes, programs can be edited in either interface. As long as changes are saved, you can use either interface interchangeably.

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