Importing Act-On Contacts from a CSV or an Act-On Marketing List can be done in just a few quick clicks.
- Navigate to Contacts > All Contacts.
- Expand the menu at the top right of the page.
- Click Import Contacts:
Import A CSV File
You can import a CSV file in two different ways:
- By clicking on select your CSV file, or
- Drag & drop a CSV file onto the screen, and click Next
Once the file is imported, proceed to map your fields.
Tips for Importing from CSV
CSV Formatting:
- If something doesn't look right, go to Import Options on the right and specify the format of your CSV file
- Act-On accepts CSV files where the first line contains field names or field values
- Field can be separated by Commas, Tabs, or Semi-colons
- Field values can be Double-quoted or Single-quoted
CSV Fields:
- Make sure your CSV file has an email address field
- If your file has date or date/time fields, make sure they are formatted consistently across all your data
Import a Marketing List
Import your existing Marketing Lists into Act-On Contacts to add contacts and segments.
- From the import screen, select Import an existing list.
- Choose the marketing list you wish to import, then click Map Fields.
Field Mapping
Next, map the fields from your CSV file to your Act-On Contacts fields:
For each field in your import:
- Select the matching field from Act-On Contacts, or check the box for New to add a new field to Act-On Contacts.
- If you are adding a new field, you must also choose a corresponding data type. Accepted formats include Text, Date, Email, Score, Number, Boolean, and Date Time
- If you have questions about your data format, click a column name and view the Data Preview section on the right to see sample data
- Choose a Merge Rule: Fill if Blank, or Overwrite.
Fields present in your file/list that you do not wish to import to Act-On Contacts can be left unmapped.
Data Validation
When importing data, Act-On will validate data types for your records. If greater than 10% do not match the specified data type, you will need to alter the field values in your file before importing your contacts or choose a different data type (for example, inconsistently formatted Date fields).
When you have finished mapping, review Act-On's Import Policy to ensure your file meets our Acceptable Use Policy.
Then click Review to proceed.
To create a segment of the imported contacts (direct-select), check the box and give it a name. (If you wish the segment to update as contact profiles or behaviors change, you should create a query-based segment in Act-On Contacts.).
When you are ready to proceed, click Import Contacts.
You will receive an email when the import is complete. If there were any problems, the message will include a file that includes any records that were failed or rejected and the reason.
View your Import History
The Import Log (available from the top of the screen) will show you a history of imports.