Import Act-On Contacts from a CSV or a Marketing List

  • Updated

Importing Act-On Contacts from a CSV or an Act-On Marketing List can be done in just a few quick clicks.

 A video to guide you through this process is right here! (to view it sign in to Act-On)


    1. Navigate to Contacts > All Contacts.
    2. Expand the menu at the top right of the page.
    3. Click Import Contacts:

Import Step 1.jpg

Import A CSV File

You can import a CSV file in two different ways:

  • By clicking on select your CSV file or,
  • Drag & drop a CSV file onto the screen, and click Next.

Once the file is imported, proceed to Import Options.

Tips for Importing from CSV
CSV Formatting:
  • If something doesn't look right, go to Import Options (step 2) to specify the format of your CSV file.
  • Act-On accepts CSV files where the first line contains field names or field values.
  • Field can be separated by Commas, Tabs, or Semi-colons.
  • Field values can be Double-quoted or Single-quoted.
  • The maximum file size for any CSV file upload is 1 GB.
  • The maximum size of any individual column's data is 20k (20,000 characters).
CSV Fields:
  • Make sure your CSV file has an email address field.
  • If your file has date or date/time fields, make sure they are formatted consistently across all your data.

Import a Marketing List

Import your existing Marketing Lists into Act-On Contacts to add contacts and segments.

  1. From the import screen, select Import an existing list.
  2. Choose the Marketing List you wish to import, then click Map Fields.

Import Options

The Import Options screen allows you to configure settings for your import.

Import step 2.jpg

If you want to track the contacts that were added with this import, you can create a direct-select segment during the import process. To create a segment, check the Add records to a segment box and give the segment a name (or select an existing segment). If you wish the segment to update as contact profiles or behaviors change, you should create a query-based segment in Act-On Contacts instead.

Advanced Options

The Advanced Options let you specify how your .csv file is imported. This section is only available when importing a .csv file (not a Marketing List). These options include:

  • Line 1 contains: Field names or field values.
  • Fields separated by: Commas, tabs, or semi-colons.
  • Field values are: Single-quoted / double-quoted.
  • Default Merge rule: Fill if blank or overwrite. This will determine if imported data that matches an existing contact will overwrite the existing data. You can change this on a per-field basis on the next screen.
  • Match existing contacts on: Email is the default and will be used to prevent duplicates.
  • Contact Preference: Use this to set imported contacts as bounced, opted out, etc.

Review Act-On's Import Policy at the bottom of the page to ensure your file meets our Acceptable Use Policy.

Field Mapping

Next, map the fields from your file or list to your Act-On Contacts fields:

Import step 3 mapping.jpg

For each field in your import:

  1. Select the matching field from Act-On Contacts, or check the box to Create a new field to add a new field to Act-On Contacts.
    • If you are adding a new field, you must also choose a corresponding data type. Accepted formats include Text, Date, Email, Score, Number, Boolean, and Date Time.
    • If you have questions about your data format, hover near the column name and view the Data Preview section on the right to see sample data.
  2. Choose a Merge Rule: Fill if Blank, or Overwrite.
  3. If a field is mapped to the wrong Act-On Contacts field, use the "x" to unmap it, and pick a different field. Fields present in your file/list that you do not wish to import to Act-On Contacts can be left unmapped.
    Data Validation
    When importing data, Act-On will validate data types for your records. Use the Data Preview feature to view the results. A warning may appear if greater than 10% of your records don't match the data type.
  1. Click Next to proceed. 

Import Summary

The import summary will show you how many fields are mapped and unmapped.

Import Summary step 4.jpg

When you are ready to proceed, click Import Contacts.

You will receive an email when the import is complete. If there are any problems, the message includes a file with any failed or rejected records and the reason.

View your Import History

The Import Log (available from the top of the screen) will show you a history of imports. You can also download a report that includes errors (if any).

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