To add a new field from your CRM to your All Contacts data schema, follow the instructions below.
Go to Settings > Data Management. Fields are managed in the Contact Mapping tab.
Add a Standard Field
First, check if the field is one of Act-On’s Standard Fields. The top section of the screen shows your Standard Field mapping.
- Scroll down to the first available Select Destination option on the right column
- Review the drop-down to see if any of the Standard Fields will apply.
- If you find the field here, select it
- Next, view the field selection in the left columns for your CRM entities:
- If you want to sync this data with your CRM, select the field name for each CRM entity
- To use a field in Act-On only, and not sync with your CRM, leave the field name selection on Select Source (e.g. unselected)
- Save your changes.
Add a Custom Field
If you don’t find a matching Standard Field, you can add a custom field instead:
- Scroll down to the lower section of the screen, where Custom Fields are mapped.
- In the first empty Destination Field at the bottom of the list, enter your Field Name.
- Check the left columns to find a matching field in your CRM
- If you want to sync this data, select the field name for each CRM entity
- To use a field in Act-On only, and not sync with your CRM, leave the field name selection on Select Source (e.g. unselected)
- Finally, select the appropriate Data Type for the field.
- Available Data Types include: Boolean, Date, Datetime, Text, Number, Score, Email, or Multi-Text
- The data type should match the field’s data type in your CRM
Tip! If you aren’t sure what the data looks like in a particular CRM field, you can see a sample of records in the CRM Entities tab by clicking on the record count bubble next to the Lead or Contacts entity. Ask your CRM Administrator if you still need help determining a data type for your CRM fields.
- Save your changes.
Next Steps
The data value for your new field will appear blank until the next sync.
You may wish to click on the Sync tab and choose Sync Now to bring in the data from your CRM.