Form Field Validation Rules

  • Updated

You can assign a variety of validation rules to your Form's input fields in the Form Builder. Validation rules require users to enter specific responses or values when filling in a Form field. Your choice of validation will vary depending on the type of information you need to collect in each field.

Add Form Validation Rules to a Field

To add or edit Form validation rules, open your Form in the Form Builder and go to the Design tab at the top of the page.


Click on an input field in your Form to open the Edit Input Field panel:


From here, you can quickly make the field required, or you can create more advanced validation for the field values your input will accept.

Make a Field Required

This simply requires that the field is completed to submit the Form.

To add this to a field, click the asterisk at the top right of the panel to create a basic Required validation rule.


Add Validation Rules for Accepted Field Values

Go to the Validation tab.


Click   to add a new validation rule:


Select a rule from the drop-down menu:


Users will receive an error message on the Form if their responses don't meet the field's validation rules. Each validation rule includes a default error message, which you can also customize in the Validation tab.

After you've created a validation rule, click  again to apply additional validation rules for the same input field.

To remove a validation rule, hover over the rule and click  

Available Validation Rules

Below, you'll find a list of all validation rules available in the Form Builder (rule name in bold) along with descriptions and examples:

  • Required
    Field must have content.
    Example: Cannot be empty.
  • Match
    Field content has to match another field in the Form.
    Example: Verify email has been typed correctly twice.
  • Email
    Must have valid email with @ and . 
  • Non-Consumer Email
    Does not allow consumer email domains.
    Examples listed here.
    Regex: Use email regex above, plus:
  • Non-Generic Email
    Does not allow consumer email domains.
    Examples listed here.
    Regex: Use email regex above, plus:
  • URL
    Field content needs to be a URL that begins with "https://"
  • Phone US
    Valid phone Format for a 10-digit US phone number including +1 for country code.

    +1 555-555-5555
    (555) 555-5555

    Causes error:
    +12 555 -555-5555

  • Phone International
    Valid phone Format for a 7-15 digit international phone number including + (international prefix symbol).

    +1 1234 567890

    Causes error:
    01234 567890

    /^\+(?:[0-9] ?){6,14}[0-9]$/
  • Phone US or International
    Verify for either Formatting.
    Examples as above.
  • Numeric
    Field input must be a number.
  • Alphanumeric
    Field input must include uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, but no symbols
  • Minimum Length
    Sets the minimum number of characters in the field.
  • Maximum Length
    Sets the maximum number of characters in the field.
  • Custom
    Match a specific word, phrase, or code with custom regex.

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