New Alerts to Help Keep Your Account Secure

  • Updated

What's Changing

Act-On has added some new security features to help keep your account safe.  Email Alerts will be sent to users or account admins in the following cases:
  • An existing account user is deleted (sent to admin)
  • An existing account user’s password is reset
  • A user logs in from an IP address they haven’t used in the last 30 days
  • A user logs in from a country they haven’t logged in from in the last 30 days
These alerts will come from the default alert sender configured in the account (typically These alerts will be enhanced in the future to match our new email alert designs.


This enhancement is released starting April 5, 2023, with the location alerts on April 12, 2023.

Customer Impact

Generally, no action is needed on your part however if you see activity that seems suspicious, please contact support.

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