Changes to MS Dynamics 365 Cloud Authentication

  • Updated

What's Changing

Microsoft is in the process of deprecating the Office365 authentication type (Basic Auth with a username and password) for Dynamics 365 Cloud environments.


Microsoft will retire this authentication protocol on April 1, 2022. 

Customer impact

This change directly impacts the connection between MS Dynamics 365 Cloud and Act-On.

Next Steps: If your account is a Dynamics 365 Cloud instance, you must change your connection to OAuth before April 1, 2022, to avoid any disruption of service. OAuth is a more secure method of authentication that uses an Application Client ID and Secret generated from Azure Active Directory. 

If your Dynamics 365 account is on-premises, then your connection will not be impacted.

To prepare for a smooth transition, contact your System Administrator for Azure Active Directory and MS Dynamics 365 Cloud for help with the following:

We understand this may cause some inconvenience, so we’re happy to assist you and your System Administrator through this process. You can send us a support request here for immediate assistance with this update.

Thank you for your timely action to ensure there will be no hiccups in your connection between MS Dynamics and Act-On. We appreciate your partnership in mitigating this disruption risk. 


The Act-On Team

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