Improved Visibility into Early Exit conditions in Automated Programs

  • Updated

What’s Changing

We’re improving how you set up and view early exit conditions in Automated Programs. Early exit conditions are used to automatically exit contacts from a program if they meet certain criteria.

With these improvements, you can more easily see what happens to contacts who exit the program, even when the program is running.

The changes include: 

  • Improved clarity in the early exit configuration modal. The new description makes it more clear what happens to contacts who meet the early exit condition:

  • The list of early exits now includes the name of the list or segment exited contacts are added:

  • Early-exit reporting now also includes the name of the list or segment contacts are added to after early exiting the program:


Released January 11, 2023.

Customer Impact

This resolves a common customer complaint in understanding the full details of an early exit condition (what the condition is and what happens when it’s met), particularly for running programs where edit modals are not accessible.

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