Share Leads That Meet or Exceed a Lead Score with Zoho CRM

  • Updated

Share a “hot prospect” with the sales team using Zoho CRM when the target lead score is met by setting up an outbound webhook containing customer, account details, and lead score.

Configure Fields in your Zoho CRM

Configure lead record to store and display Act-On Lead Score:

  1. Sign in to your  Zoho CRM and go to Setup > Customization > Modules and Fields:

  2. Right-click Leads and choose Fields:

  3. Navigate to Fields and click Create and Edit Fields:

  4. Add a new field. 
    • Choose Number if you intend to filter or build any business rules around this value 
    • Add more fields if you wish to capture the lead score for more than one score sheet.

  5. Save your field configuration.

Create a Flow in Zoho Flow

Build a flow that receives the webhook trigger from Act-On and triggers the update in the CRM based on the webhook data.

  1. In Zoho Flow, in CUSTOM SOLUTIONS, click Flow:

  2. Click CREATE > Create Flow:

  3. Choose Webhooks as the trigger type:

  4. Add a description and click CREATE:

  5. Leave payload format as the default JSON:

  6. Copy and store the URL (you will need this to set up the webhook in Act-On).

  7. Click NEXT, leave the Zoho Flow application open, and continue to the next section below.

Create a Webhook in Act-On

  1. Go to Settings > Connectors > Custom Integrations > Outgoing Webhooks.
  2. In the Endpoints tab, at the top right, click + Add Endpoint.
  3. In the Custom URL tab:
    • In the Endpoint URL box, enter the URL you stored when you created your Zoho Flow above.
    • Description: Optional but recommended you add a description that is relevant to the use case.
      For example, "Share hot prospects with sales (AJB program: x)"
    • In Message Filtering, select contact-lead-score.upper-threshold-surpassed:

    • At the bottom, click Create.
  4. Leave the Act-On application open and continue to the following section.

Test the Webhook in Zoho Flow and Act-On

  1. Return to Zoho Flow and pick up from the flow step where testing can be enabled.

  2. Click Test:

  3. In Act-On, open your new webhook and select the Testing tab.

  4. Click Send Example:

  5. If the test is successful there will be confirmation in both Act-On and Zoho Flow:

Complete the Flow in Zoho Flow

  1. Return to your flow in Zoho Flow, and in the APPS menu on the left navigation bar, open Zoho CRM

  2. Drag Create or update contact onto the Edit Create or update contact step:

  3. Choose an existing connection or create a new one:

  4. Expand Webhook from the variable options on the right navigation pane:

  5. Map each variable from the webhook payload to the appropriate fields:

    When you are finished, click DONE.
    The webhook payload will only include the variables/attributes sent with the test example. Add more mappings based on the variable names found in Act-On’s data management.
  6. Test the flow by sending a test payload from Act-On (You can skip this step if desired).

To do this, temporarily replace the URL in Act-On:

Zoho Flow displays the payload received from Act-On’s webhook. Click TEST:

Review the Output of the Create or update contact step to confirm the variables are populated correctly:

  1. Enable the flow:

Configure Webhook Trigger for Lead Score in Act-On

Complete configuring your Act-On webhook:

  1. Go to Contacts > Scoring Rules.

  2. Add your webhook and enter the desired configuration; e.g. 50.

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