Hard Bounces with Act-On Contacts

  • Updated

If you are using Act-On Contacts and have contacts in the hard bounce list that you want to email again or they are there incorrectly, move them to the soft bounce list so you can try again. Although there is no requirement to remove hard bounce contacts, you can delete them, for example, if you don't want them in your total contact count. 

Make Contacts a Soft Bounce

  1. To see the list of hard bounces, go to Contacts > All Contacts > Contact Preferences filter > Hard Bounces:


  1. Hover over the contact, on the right click  and select Change to soft bounce:

image (1).png

This removes the recorded "hard bounce event" without affecting the contact record.

Delete Hard Bounce Contacts

If using a CRM, the best practice is to delete the contacts in the CRM so that Act-On is updated.
  • To delete specific contacts, follow the steps above but select Delete contact.

  • To delete all hard bounce contacts, go to Contacts > All Contacts > Contact Preferences filter > Hard Bounces >  > Delete all contacts:

image (2).png

Deleting contacts in Act-On does not remove the "hard bounce event" for that email address, so if they get added again, they would be marked as a hard bounce again automatically.


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