Every marketing email must include an Opt-Out link for contacts to unsubscribe. The link takes your contact to a web page where the unsubscribe action is confirmed. Act-On has a default page built in that contains generic language. You can update this page to match your branding. Read on to learn how.
- Go to Content > Email Footers
- Hover over Custom Opt-Out Confirmation Page and click Define.
The editor is very similar to our Landing Page Composer.
Go to the Design tab to change the page display.
The default page includes:
- The Contact's First Name and Last Name
- The Opt-In link. This is how a Contact can re-subscribe to your marketing list without having to contact you.
The Opt-In Link is dynamically generated when a Contact clicks on the Opt-Out link and arrives on the Opt-Out Confirmation page.
This link cannot be used in other areas of Act-On (eg Landing Pages) and should remain on your Opt-Out page.
To edit the link text, first click on the Rich Text Block, click on the link text ("Click here"), and then click on the link icon in the Rich Text options.
From here, you can edit the link's display text, title, and behavior. Do not change the URL.
Click Save to finish.
When you are finished making your changes, check the Review tab to confirm your design. Then click Save at the top right. Your new Opt-Out Confirmation page is live for contacts to view.
There is no option to save a draft of this page.
If you have made a mistake after clicking Save and need to start over, you can choose Reset. This will restore the default page that includes the Opt-In link.
Tips & Best Practices
Subscription Management
If you are using Subscription Management, the Opt-Out page is a good place to add a link to your preferences form. This may prevent contacts from fully Opting Out if they can save preferences instead.
FAQs & Troubleshooting
Can I change the Opt-Out to a two-click unsubscribe?
Yes, however this is a beta feature that currently cannot be customized. Any opt-out link that would be a one-click unsubscribe turns into a two-click opt-out. To unsubscribe, contacts must click the confirmation link in the page.
You may contact support to enable this feature.