Creating Triggered Email Messages

  • Updated

Triggered messages are sent immediately when a prospect arrives at a specific point within an Automated Program or webinar program or submits an Act-On Form that is set up for confirmation emails.

Act-On allows you to create triggered (or auto-response) messages that are aligned to Automated Programs, webinars, or Forms. You can create different kinds of email messages to be used for various reasons. Some email messages may be sent as 'one-off' email campaigns, while others might be included as part of an Automated Program campaign or Form confirmation message.

For Automated Programs

  1. Go to Automation > Automated Programs > select a program to edit.
  2. In the Program Builder, click BuildProgram Messages.
  3. Click Add Message.
    • If using Start From A Blank Message, the auto-response message builder will allow you to create the triggered message. Click Save once you've finished composing the message.
    • If using the other options, click on the appropriate email, and click Submit.
  4. In Build > Program Flow, drag in a Send Email step to the appropriate place in the program, choose your message, and click Submit.
    • Note: Remember to add a Wait step after the message is sent if the message will be used for conditional logic. This provides enough processing time for the condition to be met.
  5. Click Save (top right) to save the changes to the automated program.

Creating Triggered Email Messages 01.png

For Webinar Programs

In the webinar program builder, add or edit the appropriate message.

  • For Invitation, Last Chance, Reminder, or Follow-up emails, you'll be able to compose, address, review, and schedule the message.
  • For Signup Form Auto-Response, Registration Accepted, and Registration Rejected emails, you'll only be able to compose the message, since messages are sent immediately once the registration Form is submitted.

Creating Triggered Email Messages 02.png

For Form Responses

  1. Go to ContentForms and select the Form to edit.
  2. In the Properties tab, under Response, click CONFIRMATION EMAIL.
  3. On the right, click the '+' and create the triggered message, or use the other options to select an existing message:

Creating Triggered Email Messages 03.png

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