Customizing the Blank Message

  • Updated

By default, the Blank Message uses the default Email Header, Email Footer, and Plain Stationery. If you have not customized your headers, footers, or stationery, then your blank message will look like this:


Email messages are a great tool for conveying information to prospects as well as existing customers. You can use Act-On to create email messages that incorporate many of the other features available in the software. Your messages can link to Forms, Landing Pages, webinars, and documents, as well as create a series of messages to be sent out automatically as part of a program.

Customize the Blank Message

There are a few different ways to customize the blank message:

To create a custom Blank Message:

  1. Go to Content > Email Templates.
  2. At the top right corner, click on the three dots and then click Blank Message Setup:

Customizing the Blank Message 01.png

  1. In the Design tab, update the Stationery, Header, Footer, and any other styling you wish to apply.
  2. Once you are done customizing the message, click Save. This saves as a new message template. 

This new template can be changed later by revisiting the saved template or going back to Blank Message Setup.

Creating a Blank Message

To create a Blank Message:

  1. Click Outbound > New Message.
  2. Act-On first prompts you to choose a starting point for your new message. You have six choices in the window that appears.
  3. Click Blank Message.

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