Scheduling Posts in ASM

  • Updated

Once your campaign is created, to create your first post, just click on the Schedule Your First Post button located on your campaign's Calendar tab. Once you click on the button an overlay console will appear on your screen.

  • Select the tab of the social network you'd like to post to.
  • Select one or more social profiles or company pages you'd like to post with.
  • Enter your message. If you like to share a link, enter the URL or paste it into your message box and a link preview will appear below the message box. Images can also be uploaded and shared according to each social networks' guidelines. Note that every message you write in the Advanced Social Media Module is saved as a Message Asset and can later be used in other posts.
  • Select the date and time, or click on the Queue icon to post it in a pre-defined time period according to each profile's queue settings.
  • Once you're done, you can click on Schedule & Close to close the console or just on Schedule to continue adding posts.

Do I have to create a campaign for each post?

No. Posts can also be scheduled from the main Calendar tab without having to specify a campaign. In such a case, Act-On will automatically create a general campaign according to the current month you're in so your posts could still be tracked.


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