Importing Message Assets to ASM

  • Updated
Given the high number of social media posts that marketers are expected to create on a daily basis, sometimes it's easier to write them out in a spreadsheet, and then upload them.

With the Advanced Social Media Module, you can upload messages from a CSV file, and all of them will be saved in Message Assets, which can later be accessed for scheduling.

How to Use the Bulk Uploader

  1. Go to the Campaigns tab, select a Campaign go to the Message Assets tab.
  2. Click on the Import button, and download the CSV template
  3. Fill out the template according to the legend below; save it as a CSV file. Once the file is ready, navigate back to Message Assets, click on the Import Messages button again, and upload your file.
Field Networks Description
Network All

Mandatory. Type it exactly as written below, keep in mind capitalization:
X (Twitter)

Message All Mandatory. This is the body of the post itself. If you are tweeting, make sure to include any links in this section. Please note they will be shortened upon publication. A link in a tweet counts as 23 characters.
LinkUrl Facebook, LinkedIn Optional. Facebook and LinkedIn posts all support link attachments. This is why you don't need to include the link in the message itself. The link attachment is constructed using four fields; LinkUrl, LinkTitle, ImageUrl and Description. At the bottom of this article you can find the anatomy of a link attachment.
LinkTitle Facebook, LinkedIn Optional. Used to create headline shown in the link attachment.
ImageUrl Facebook, LinkedIn Optional. Used to create the image (thumbnail) shown in the link attachment.
Description Facebook, LinkedIn Optional. Used to create the description of the link attachment. 
Picture Facebook, X (Twitter) Optional. Used to upload an image to your post. The image must be in URL format. 
Important: On Facebook you can either have a link attachment or upload an image, but not both. This is irrelevant for X, as it doesn't have a link attachment and the link is just a part of the Tweet itself. If you still would like to have a link in your Facebook post, just include the link in the message itself, and don't use the link attachment option.

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