Unpublishing a Landing Page

  • Updated

You should unpublish a Landing Page if its contents or embedded Forms have expired or if you'd like to replace it with a different page. Act-On makes it easy to unpublish your Landing Pages when you no longer need them. 

To unpublish your Landing Page, you'll need to disable it in the Landing Page composer. You can also set a Redirect URL to redirect any users attempting to visit your unpublished page. 


Ready to unpublish your Landing Page? Follow these steps:

Set a Global Redirect URL

You can create a Global Redirect URL to use across all of your unpublished Landing Pages. To do this:

  1. Go to Settings > Other Settings > Custom Account Settings.
  2. In the Account Redirects tab, to the right of Unpublished Landing Page, click Edit to create a Global Redirect URL.
  3. Type your desired redirect URL in the field that appears – a green checkmark will show up to let you know that your URL is valid.
  4. Click Save.


Heads up! Include the http or https portion of your URL to correctly validate it.

You've successfully set your Global Redirect URL. This URL will now appear as an option for Redirect URL any time you disable a Landing Page.

Unpublish the Landing Page

Once you've set your Global Redirect URL, you're ready to unpublish your Landing Page. To do this:

  1. Go to Content > Landing Pages.
  2. Find the Landing Page you want, hover over it and   Edit.
  3. In the Landing Page composer, go to the Properties tab.
  4. Under Status, move the slider to Disable to unpublish your Landing Page
  5. Under Redirect URL, choose a location for redirecting visitors:
    • Global – redirect users to the Global Redirect URL you set in Custom Account Settings.
    • Individual – manually enter a redirect URL of your choice.
    • Landing Page – redirect users to another active Landing Page.


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