Act-On for Zendesk Sell User Guide

  • Updated

Act-On Contact Report

The Act-On Contact Report shows a short summary of the activities your lead or contact has performed that Act-On can track.

Act-On Account Report

The Account Report combines the data from Act-On and Zendesk Sell to provide a cumulative view of all Leads and Contacts associated with an Account record. For more information on the Account Report please see the associated article.

Send Act-On Email Messages

Sending email through Act-On provides you with these benefits:

  • Email Activity: See who opens and clicks through your email messages
  • Known Website Visitors: Once a lead or contact clicks on an email message sent through Act-On, you can see their website visits and set up alerts for those prospects.
  • Message Templates: You can send marketing-approved/marketing-created emails with just a few clicks

Send an Email

To send an email to a lead or contact in Zendesk Sell, locate their record and click to view their profile page. At the top of the profile, click the Send Act-On Email button.

  • Clicking Send Act-On Email will present three options:
    • Start with a Blank Message – create an email from scratch
    • Start from a Message Template – create templates you can use to send emails to your prospects (this is likely the option you and your marketing team will use most often)
    • Start from a Previous Message – View emails you've sent in the past to reuse them for a new lead or prospect
  • When starting from a message template or previous email, you can customize the email for your new lead or contact
  • Ensure the 'To:' field is populated with the correct lead or contact’s email address.
  • Use the Test option to send a test email to yourself
    • Check the formatting and clickthrough links in your test message to make sure they're working properly
  • Click Send in the upper right corner to send the email to the selected contact or lead

Hot Prospects

Hot Prospects are a prioritized list of the most active and engaged leads and contacts for which you are the sales owner. Hot Prospects are based on the types of activities and scores outlined in your score sheets. By default, the activity shown will be for the last seven days and your default score sheet. However, you can change the timeframe and score sheet in the drop-down menus.

  • Click on the contact report icon to open and view their Act-On contact report

Website Prospector

Website Prospector allows you to track the activity of anonymous and known visitors coming to your website, as well as Act-On Forms and Landing Pages.

  • Change the timeframe in Website Prospector to view visitor engagement metrics for a specific period of time. By default, Website Prospector shows all visitor activity tracked for Today, the current day only. You can expand your search by selecting a different timeframe from the drop-down menu.

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