Creating a Query Segment Based on Lead Score

  • Updated

When using the Act-On Scoring Rules feature, you can create segments of your lists based on the scores you've defined.

For example, you may wish to quickly see who the most active or highest-scoring leads are within a list. You could then create a specific email campaign or automated program just for this segment, or push the segment into Salesforce. You could also create a segment of low-scoring leads to target them for a lead nurturing campaign.

Create a Segment Based on a Behavior Score

  1. Click Contacts, and click Marketing Lists.
  2. Hover over the list you want to segment, and click the drop-down arrow.
  3. Choose Create a Segment.
  4. Enter a name for the segment, and then select Query from the Method drop-down menu.
  5. Click the Select Based On drop-down under Score, and choose Overall Behavior Score.
  6. The next drop-down will default to At Least.
  7. Add a value in the score box to the right.
    • This will create a segment of people who have a score of that value or greater. The value you specify will depend on the scoring rules you have defined and values that are relevant to you.
  8. If you want to create a low-scoring segment, choose At Most from the drop-down menu.


Create a Segment of People Within a Certain Score Range

To create a segment of people within a certain score range, you will need to add a column to your list to capture the Act-On scores. The steps for this are described in the article Syncing Lead Scores with Salesforce.

Once you have added a column to your list:

  1. Click Contacts, and click Marketing Lists.
  2. Hover over the list you want to segment, and click the drop-down arrow.
  3. Click Create a Segment.
  4. Enter a name for the segment, select the Method drop-down menu and choose Query.
  5. For the first drop-down choose Profile from your list
  6. In the next drop-down choose the field that contains the lead score
  7. In the next drop-down choose is between or equals
  8. Then enter the low and high score in your desired range.
  9. Save the segment query.


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