Below are the steps to add the DKIM record to Cloudflare, GoDaddy, Bluehost, HostGator, and Network Solutions.
Please visit Cloudflare's help article Create DNS Records for the best information.
To implement your DKIM key or TXT record in GoDaddy:
- Log into
- Once logged in, find your domain and go to (Domain Edit Options), then select Edit DNS:
- At the bottom of the Records section, click Add New Record:
- Select the CNAME type and input the information from these setup steps.
- Make sure to replace the {AOAccountID} with the actual ID number.
- Do not include your domain in the Host field. GoDaddy will add this automatically.
- Click Save.
Once the new record is saved, it may take up to 24 hours to fully propagate so that DKIM can be completed in Act-On.
To implement your DKIM key or TXT record in BlueHost:
- Log into the account you have with BlueHost.
- Once logged in, direct your way to Domain Management and click on DNS Zone Manager.
- Once in your domain's area, select the domain you would like to implement your DKIM record and fill in the following information:
- Host Record/Name - The DKIM record provided by Act-On Support during technical setup.
- TTL - Time to Live dictates how long in seconds other servers should cache the record for. For example, a TTL of 3600 will represent an hour.
- Type - select CNAME.
Points To/Record: - the server we need to point that record to.
- If the underscore isn’t acceptable in BlueHost, then we will need to use a TXT record type in that case. Contact support if you need this change to your record.
- Host Record/Name - The DKIM record provided by Act-On Support during technical setup.
- TTL - Time to Live dictates how long in seconds other servers should cache the record for. For example, a TTL of 3600 will represent an hour.
- Type - select TXT.
TXT Value/Record - a strand of text and number values.
- At the top right, click Save All Records.
Once the above steps are complete, it may take up to 24 hours for the new record to fully propagate so that DKIM can be completed in Act-On.
In order to implement your DKIM key, or TXT record in HostGator there are a couple of steps to follow to access the DNS zone for HostGator.
- Log into the account you have with HostGator.
- Once logged in, direct your way to Websites & Domains > DNS Settings, for example:
- Once in your domain's area, select the domain you would like to implement your DKIM record.
- Fill in the following information:
- Record type - select CNAME.
- The Host Record (Domain name) - The DKIM record provided by Act-On Support during technical setup.
- TTL - Time to Live dictates how long in seconds other servers should cache the record for. For example, a TTL of 3600 will represent an hour.
Canonical name - the server we need to point that record to:
- Click Add Record.
If the underscore isn’t acceptable in HostGator, then we will need to use a TXT record type. Act-On Support will provide you with the TXT record for you.
- Fill in the following information:
- Record type - select TXT
- The Host Record (Domain name) - The DKIM record provided by Act-On Support during technical setup.
- TTL - Time to Live dictates how long in seconds other servers should cache the record for. For example, a TTL of 3600 will represent an hour.
- TXT Data - will be a strand of text and number values.
- Click Add Record.
Once the above steps are complete, it may take up to 24 hours for the new record to propagate so that DKIM can be completed in Act-On.
Network Solutions
In order to implement your DKIM key, or TXT record in Network Solutions there are a couple of steps to follow to access the DNS zone for Network Solutions.
- Log into the account you have with Network Solutions
- Once logged in, direct your way to Domain Name > Advanced Tools...
...then click Manage next to Advanced DNS Records:
- Find the domain you would like to implement your DKIM record and click the pencil icon on the right:
- In the window that opens:
...enter the following:- Refers to/Host: The host provided by Act-On Support during technical setup (Note: You do not need to include your domain in the "Host" field).
TXT Value/Text: The Text area will be the TXT record provided by Act-On Support during technical setup. It will look something like this:
k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC2j1MGq5hvFNKYM6WK3EX9R97A2Ca65hR6rC4H9D1c30Wy2a94sLbz7D33KcAaSXeuRqyP
- Once that has been placed, click on the Save or NEXT button at the bottom. A new window will pop up make sure to click Save Changes otherwise the new records that were added, will not be placed into the DNS.
- After saving, you’re done. This will take anywhere from 4 hours to 24 hours to propagate through the internet. Once Act-On can see that the host is pointing to the correct TXT record, your Onboarding Manager can activate DKIM your account.