Using Variables in Webinar Templates

  • Updated

The content blocks and subject lines in email message templates can include personalization fields. In a message that contains such fields, each field is replaced by the corresponding information (first name, last name, etc.) from the addressee's record in your contact list.

Disclaimer: This Classic Webinar Guide applies to Webex Webinars. For help with Zoom and Citrix GoToWebinar webinars, see our series of related Zoom and Citrix articles.

Templates for webinar-related messages

There's an additional set of personalization fields that can be used in templates for messages you create from the Webinar Dashboard—invitations, last-chance reminders, follow-up messages, and so on.

These personalization fields work a little differently than standard email personalization fields. When you create a message from the Webinar Dashboard and base the message on a template that contains any of the special webinar template personalization fields listed below, those fields are replaced with the appropriate information from the webinar definition at the moment the message is created. That means you won't see the {{...}} pairs for these fields when you view the message in Act-On, because they already will have been converted to readable text.

Note that message personalization fields, like {{First Name}}, won't be affected—you'll still see them in the message because they won't be replaced with addressee data until the message is sent out.

Webinar template personalization fields

The following fields, most of which are easily recognized as representing the data you provide in the Create Webinar dialog box, should be used only in templates for the messages that you'll create from the Webinar Dashboard:

  • {{Event.Title}} will be replaced by what you typed in the Event Name field
  • {{Event.Date}} will be replaced by what you specified in the Date field, but formatted as follows: Wednesday, December 16, 2021
  • {{Event.Time}} will be replaced by what you specified in the Time field, but formatted as follows: 2:45 PM (PST)
  • {{Event.DateTime}} will be replaced by what you specified in the Date and Time fields, but formatted las follows: Wednesday, December 16 2009 2:45 PM (PST)
  • {{Event.TimeTZ.XXX}} will be replaced by the webinar start time converted to the time zone you specify, and formatted as follows: 10:45 PM (GMT). XXX must be a valid three-character time zone abbreviation like GMT or PST or EDT.
  • {{Event.SessionKey}} will be replaced by the webinar's Access Number assigned by WebEx
  • {{Event.Passcode}} will be replaced by what you typed in the Password field
  • {{Event.Dialup}} will be replaced by what you typed in the Instructions field (available if you selected the Other teleconference option in the Teleconference field)
  • {{Event.DialupDescription}} will be replaced by what you typed in the Instructions field (available if you selected the Other teleconference option in the Teleconference field)
  • {{Event.TollNumber}} will be replaced by the local (toll) number assigned to your account by WebEx (if your WebEx account is set up for attendee dial-in)
  • {{Event.TollFreeNumber}} will be replaced by the toll-free number assigned your account by WebEx (if your WebEx account is set up for attendee dial-in)
  • {{Event.JoinURL}} will be replaced by the URL (assigned by WebEx) that takes attendees to your webinar. You could use it in a clickable link, such as:
 <a href="{{Event.JoinURL}}" target="_blank">Join the Webinar</a>

Using the webinar template personalization fields

For each type of message (invitation, last-chance reminder, follow-up message, etc.) that you create from the Webinar Dashboard:

  • Create a template for that type of message. In the content blocks and subject line, include as many of the special webinar template personalization fields as you like. (See list above.)
  • On the Webinar Dashboard, click the link for creating a message of that type.
  • Preview the new message. Make sure that all the webinar template personalization fields have already been replaced with the appropriate text from the webinar definition.
Any webinar template personalization field for which there is no corresponding information in the webinar definition will be left unchanged. For example, if your template includes {{Event.TollFreeNumber}} but your WebEx account isn't set up for attendee dial-in, then the message will show {{Event.TollFreeNumber}} rather than a phone number, and you should remove it before sending your message.

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