Sending an Automatic Webinar Follow-Up Message

  • Updated
Once a webinar form is created, Act-On will automatically set up a webinar sign-up list with corresponding segments for 'Signed Up & Approved & Attended' and 'Signed Up & Approved & No Show'.

For each of the segments, you can create different follow-up messages. For example, you might send a 'Thanks for Joining Us' message to those who attended and a 'We Missed You' message to no-shows:

  1. On the Webinar Dashboard, click New Follow-up Message. For simplicity, click the Start with a Blank Message option.
  2. In the message wizard, create a message for people who attended the webinar, and address it to the 'Signed Up & Approved & Attended' segment.
  3. In the message wizard, create a message for people who didn't attend, and address it to the 'Signed Up & Approved & No Show' segment.
  4. If scheduling in advance, ensure the email is scheduled at least an hour after the webinar is complete to ensure attendance data is complete in Act-On.
Note: The choice for All Attendees includes the Host and Presenter.

Disclaimer: This Classic Webinar Guide applies to Webex Webinars. For help with Zoom and Citrix GoToWebinar webinars, see our series of related Zoom and Citrix articles.

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