You may have a business need to download your Act-On content and data. Common uses for this data include:
- External storage/backup for compliance purposes
- Analysis of reports/data using a Business Intelligence (BI) tool
- Download your account content (pages, messages, etc.)
- Migration to a new tool
Export Options
- Data Studio - easy to consume format (great for BI), but does not include any content assets
- API - most comprehensive option, but a technical resource is required
- Downloading assets directly from the user interface.
You may need to use some combination of these based on your specific scenario.
Using Data Studio
Data Studio allows you to export both Lists and Behavior Data (message opens, clicks, webpage visits, form submissions, etc.) in Excel or CSV format.
Data Studio does not export your content (Landing Pages, Forms, Email templates, etc.). It is meant to export data for reporting/analysis.
To meet your compliance and BI needs, Act-On recommends that you:
- Define the data to be exported
- Export the needed historical data
- Set the exports on a schedule to export new data going forward
Set up an external destination and export the data directly to your desired storage location, as the files can be quite large.
Set up Exports
- Determine which types of behavior data you want to utilize, between Email Messages, Forms, Landing Pages, Media, Webinars, and Webpages
- Create an Export for each desired content type, making sure to:
- Check all relevant actions you want to track
Select Detailed log data in the Grouping tab
Exception: For Webpage data, consider leaving out anonymous traffic, since it is a high volume of data but does tie to a specific contact - Choose fields in the Fields tab to suit your data needs
- Name the output file appropriately for how you will organize the data
Generate Historical Data
Data Studio has limitations on how much data can be exported at once:
- Tokens and Exports – if you are planning a one-time historical export in excess of your contracted Data Studio usage, contact your Account Manager
- Time frame – The longest time window Data Studio can generate a report for (with no filters applied) is one year
- Rows of data – Each Export is limited to 5,000,000 rows, so data sets larger than this must be split into multiple Exports with shorter durations
To pull historical behavior data:
- Open the Export for Email data that you created above
- Generate this Export for the current year from January 1 to today's date
- If you see an error that the 5,000,000 row limit has been exceeded, select a smaller time window and try again (repeat if necessary)
This will result in data for all content types with multiple files covering your chosen time frame.
Schedule Ongoing Exports
- Make sure you have a Destination set up in Data Studio (cloud storage or FTP) to host your exported files
- Edit each Export created above to run on a schedule (eg., daily or weekly)
- When each scheduled Export runs, it will generate all behavior data for that data type recorded since the last run of the Export
If you need more tokens and exports to support your ongoing data exports, contact your Account Manager.
Using the API
Act-On’s API is the most complete method to download your account data. There are endpoints to access content, lists, and reporting data.
You will need a technical resource with the skill set to construct API calls. You will also need to request a developer account if you do not have one already.
See for full API documentation.