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Website Prospector Daily Digest Overview

  • Updated

The Website Prospector Daily Email includes key actionable information about website visitors from the previous day.

Click on Inbound > Website Prospector > More > Digest Emails to activate this function for your Act-On account, and for other Act-On accounts if you are an administrator. Act-On will send the email reports shortly after midnight.

Basic Uses

Report Sections

  • Sales Leads & Contacts section – Shows known visitors owned by sales users in your account, as well as existing contacts assigned to them.
    • Reading the Sales Leads & Contacts section lets you quickly determine which of these known visitors not assigned to sales are showing more intense interest based on the number of pages they visited.
    • Clicking on the visit count shows the specific pages they visited, which may give insight into relevant buying signals.
  • Marketing Prospects section – Shows known visitors who are not assigned to sales.
    • Reading the Marketing Prospects section lets you quickly determine which of these known visitors are showing more intense interest, based on the number of pages they visited.
    • Clicking on the visit count shows the specific pages they visited, which may give insight into relevant buying signals.
  • Anonymous Visitor section – Shows the anonymous visits. This corresponds to the data in the Anonymous tab in the Website Prospector Report.
    • When an anonymous visitor comes to your site, Act-On tries to determine their company based on their IP address (this is known as reverse IP lookup).
    • Reading the Anonymous Visitors section lets you quickly determine which of these anonymous visitor companies are potential prospects, based on the number of pages they visited, their search terms, and referrers.
Note on assigning known contacts to sales

In the Companies view of the Website Visitors report, in the Known tab, a visitor's person icon is included to the left of their entry. Click on Contacts > Other Lists > Account Lists to see the Sales Prospects lists, which are used to reflect the assignment of prospects to sales owners.

The color of a known visitor's icon depends on its presence in a Sales Prospects list:

  • Known visitors found in the Prospects Owned by Sales list will have blue icons
  • Known visitors found in the Prospects in Active Opportunities list will have green icons
  • Known visitors found in the Existing Contacts Assigned to Sales list will have purple icons
  • All other unassigned known prospects will have orange icons

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