Website Prospector - The Pages Visited Report

  • Updated

There are two main views in the Web Prospector report: Companies and Web Pages.

  • The Companies view is the default view when you navigate to Inbound > Website Prospector.
  • To get to the Web Pages view, select Pages Visited from the drop-down selector at the top center of the page.

The Web Pages view lets you understand the number of pages visited over time, which pages are most visited, and which pages have been visited most recently. You can also drill in to see the known and unknown prospects who are on your site right now and in the recent past.

This section provides a graphical view of how many pages were visited during the calendar period of interest.

  • Calendar Period selector – Lets you see page visits for today, yesterday, this week, last week, this month, last month, and by month for the six months prior
  • Horizontal axis – Shows the time dimension marked by hour of the day, day of the week, or day of the month -- depending on the chosen calendar period
  • Vertical axis – Shows the number of pages visited in a given amount of time (hourly or daily time slices as indicated on the horizontal axis). Roll over a point in the line chart to see the exact page visit count.

This section shows all the pages visited in the chosen calendar period. Each row in the list is a distinct visited page, showing the data points: Page, Prospects, and Last Visit. The list is revealed 10 rows at a time. Click More at the bottom of the list to see more rows of visited pages.

  • Page column – Act-On forms and landing pages display their Act-On asset name in the Page Column. Tracked web pages show either the raw URL or the name you have mapped to that URL. Page name mapping is done using the menu More > Web Page Names Settings. Click on Page to open that page’s URL in a new browser window. 
  • Visitors column – Shows the number of unique known prospects plus the number of anonymous cookied web browsers who visited a particular page in the chosen calendar period. Click on the number in the Visitors column to see the page prospects drill-down. 
  • Last Visit Column – Shows how long ago a particular page was visited within the chosen calendar period.

Click on the Visitors column of one of the listed pages to get a drill-down in a modal dialog box listing each unique known prospect and anonymous cookied web browser who visited that particular page in the chosen calendar period. The Last Visit column shows the time since each prospect last visited the page in the chosen calendar period. The page prospects are listed in two areas in the drill-down: Known Prospects and Anonymous Prospects.

  • Known Prospects – The top area of the drill-down lists the known prospects to a particular page. Each row shows the known prospect's name, email address, and geographic location as deduced from their IP address when they visited the page. If the known prospect is a sales prospect, as defined in Contacts > Accounts Lists > Sales Prospects, they will have an icon representing whether they are: a prospect assigned to sales, a prospect in an active opportunity, or an existing contact assigned to sales. Click on the known prospect to view its Act-On activity history record.
  • Anonymous Prospects – The bottom area of the drill-down lists the anonymous-cookied web browsers which visited a particular page. Each row shows the anonymous prospect's company name if it can be deduced from their IP address, or the ISP name if it cannot be deduced. Each row also shows the anonymous prospect's search term(s) and the referring site(s) they clicked through from if that can be deduced.

How the Report Calculates Visits

Data Point Definition
People Sum of counts of unique email addresses (known visitors at the time the report was first refreshed for that day) and unique cookie IDs (anonymous visitors at the time the report was first refreshed for that day) visiting on each day during the month.
Known Sum of counts of unique email addresses of known visitors on each day during the month as a percentage of people visiting.
Anonymous Sum of counts of unique cookie IDs of anonymous visitors on each day during the month as a percentage of people visiting.
Conversions Number of cookie IDs bound to email addresses via form submissions or email clicks during the month.
Bounces Sum of counts of unique organizations (by organization name, city, and state based on IP location data for anonymous visitors) and unique email addresses (known visitors) visiting only one page on each day during the month as a percentage of people visiting.
Companies  Sum of counts of unique organizations (by organization name, city, and state based on IP location data) for anonymous visitors on each day during the month.
The Website Visitor report serves up a cached version when you open it, the best way to get an accurate result would be to refresh the page to get the most up to date information.


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