Website Prospector - The Companies Visiting Report

  • Updated

The Companies view is the default when you navigate the menu to Inbound > Website Prospector. Toggle between the Companies Visiting view and the Pages Visited view with the drop-down selector at the top center of the page:

Website Prospector - The Companies Visiting Report 01.png

  • Companies Visiting – This lets you understand who is visiting your site, how they got there, and where they’re coming from. You can research the companies that are visiting your site anonymously, as well as drill down into the known prospects and see what they’re interested in.
  • Pages Visited – See Website Prospector - The Pages Visited Report.


The top of the Companies Visiting view:

  • Calendar Period Selector (very top center drop-down) – This lets you see page visits for today, yesterday, this week, last week, this month, last month, and by month for the six months prior to last month.
  • Anonymous Prospects, Known Prospects, and Companies (top) – Visiting your tracked pages in the chosen calendar period is shown at the top of the Overview report area. Known prospects are prospects to your tracked pages who have either submitted an Act-On form or clicked through on an Act-On email message. Known prospects are counted by their unique email addresses. Anonymous prospects are cookied users who can’t yet be associated with an email address. The number of anonymous prospects represents the total number of Act-On prospect cookies with visits in the chosen date range. Because a single anonymous prospect may have more than one cookie tracking their visits, the actual number of people visiting your site anonymously could be less than the metric 'Anonymous Prospects' (for example, a single person might have an Act-On cookie on their home computer and also a cookie on their work computer).
  • Pages Visits report (left) – This shows an overview of the depth of engagement your visitors are having with your site. The average number of pages per visitor is the average number of pages visited on your site per site visitor in the chosen time period. The page depth per visitor is shown in the pie chart and table, counting the number of visitors that visited one page, two pages, etc. in the given time period. The bounce rate in this context is the percentage of one-page visitors out of all the visitors in the chosen time range. Clicking on one of the choices for page depth per visitor loads the specific site visitors who visited that many pages in the chosen time range (for example, click on Five or More Page Visits to see all the known visitors and anonymous companies who visited in the chosen time range).
  • Search Terms report (left) – Shows an overview of which search terms are generating the most prospects. It shows the top search terms that can be traced back to a clickthrough from a paid or organic search on a search engine. The number next to each search term is the number of known prospects and anonymously visiting companies who came to the site as a result of clicking through on that term, and you can click any of the search terms to drill down into a list of those specific prospects. Act-On uses all the available search term data that it can access. Certain search engines have stopped passing through the search term data for clicks on organic searches but continue to pass search terms for paid search clicks.
  • Sources (referring sites report) – This shows an overview of which referring sites are generating the most prospects. It shows the top referring sites that can be traced back to a clickthrough from a referring site. The number next to each referring site is the number of known prospects and anonymously visiting companies who came to the site as a result of clicking through from that site, and you can click any of the referring sites to drill down into a list of those specific prospects.

Detailed Reports 

Show detailed reports from the drop-down list at the upper left. These let you drill down into the detailed tracking data and perform various functions: Anonymous Prospects, Known Prospects, Customers, ISPs, USA Visits Map, and World Visits Map.

Anonymous Prospects

When an anonymous prospect comes to your site, Act-On tries to determine the company they're coming from based on their IP address (this is known as reverse IP lookup). The Anonymous Prospects tab lets you quickly determine which of these anonymous prospect companies are potential prospects, based on the recency and frequency of their visits, their search terms, referrers, and the pages they viewed. You can easily research anonymous prospect companies to determine if they’re a fit for your products and services. 

You can sort the list of anonymous prospects by Page Visits to see which companies are visiting the most pages on your site, or sort by Last Visit to see which companies visited most recently. Roll over a row in the list of anonymous prospects and click to do the following:

  • Company Info – Basic data is shown, such as the multiple locations of the company and the count of contacts by department and management levels. To research the contacts in the location of interest, click the Click Here link at the bottom of the window. From there, you can filter the listed contacts by department and management levels. 
  • LinkedIn – Use this to search LinkedIn for the company by name
  • Google: Use this to search Google for the company by name
  • Add to Alerts – Use this to add the company to your website prospector alerts. When this company visits your site again, you will be alerted via your account email address and optionally via text, depending on your settings in Profile > Alerts > SMS Alerts. Edit your website prospector alerts by clicking Website Prospector Alerts at the top of the page.
  • Mark as ISP – In some cases, the reverse IP lookup on anonymous prospects will show an ISP and not a company (e.g. people visiting your site from their home or mobile device). Act-On attempts to automatically identify ISPs based on name matching, but it is not always possible. Manually marking an anonymous prospect as an ISP moves it to the ISP tab for this and subsequent visits, thereby helping maintain a focus on identifiable companies in the Anonymous tab.
  • Mark as Customer – Use this to manually mark an anonymous prospect company as a customer, which moves them to the Anonymous Prospects list in the bottom area of the Customers tab

Known Prospects 

A known prospect is the opposite of an anonymous prospect. A known prospect’s tracked activity can be associated with an email address. Converting anonymous to known prospects is critically important to successful marketing automation as it makes online behaviors actionable in email campaigns, automated programs, lead scoring, etc.

A known prospect conversion can happen in one of two ways: an anonymous prospect submits an Act-On form, or by clicking on an Act-On email link. After conversion to a known prospect, the activity history previously tracked anonymously is now associated with their email address.

You can sort the list of known prospects by Page Visits to see which known prospects are visiting the most pages on your site, or sort by Last Visit to see which known prospects have most recently visited. Hover over a row in the list of known prospects and click to do the following:

  • View the Contact – Use this to get detailed profile data and complete activity history of the known prospect
  • Add to Alerts – Use this to add the known prospect to your website prospector alerts. When this known prospect comes to your site again, you will be alerted via your account email address and optionally via text depending on your settings in Profile > Alerts > SMS Alerts. Edit your website prospector alerts by clicking Website Prospector Alerts at the top of the page
  • Mark as Customer – Use this to manually mark a known prospect as a customer, which moves them to the Visitor list in the top area of the Customers tab
  • Icons – The color of a known prospect’s icon depends on its presence in a Sales Prospects list. Go to Contacts > Account Lists to see the Sales Prospects lists which are used to reflect the assignment of prospects to sales owners. Any known prospects found in the Prospects Owned by Sales list will include a blue person icon to the left of them. Known prospects found in the Prospects in Active Opportunities list will include a green person icon to the left of them. Known prospects found in the Existing Contacts Assigned to Sales list will include a purple person icon to the left of them. All other unassigned known prospects will include an orange person icon.

Website Prospector - The Companies Visiting Report 03.png Any known prospects found in the Prospects Owned by Sales list will include a blue person icon to the left of them 

Website Prospector - The Companies Visiting Report 05.png Known prospects found in the Prospects in Active Opportunities list will include a green person icon to the left of them

Website Prospector - The Companies Visiting Report 04.png Known prospects found in the Existing Contacts Assigned to Sales list will include a purple person icon to the left of them

Website Prospector - The Companies Visiting Report 02.png All other unassigned known prospects will include an orange person icon

Customers Visiting 

Use this tab to see the site visits of known prospects and/or anonymous prospect companies who have been designated as customers. Customers are populated by either: being marked as a Customer in the Anonymous Tab or the Known Tab, or entered in More > Customer Names.

The Customers tab has two sections: Visitor and Anonymous Visitor. The Anonymous Visitor section of the Customers tab provides most of the same rollover functions as those found in the Anonymous Visitors tab (Company Info, LinkedIn, Google, Add to Alerts, and Mark as ISP). The Visitor section of the Customers tab provides most of the same rollover functions as found in the Known tab (View the Contact and Add to Alerts). In addition, it includes:

  • Mark as Not Customer – Use this to manually unmark a customer; this moves the customer back to the Known tab or the Anonymous tab as the case may be
  • ISP's tab – Use this tab to see the site visits of anonymous prospects who have been marked as ISPs from the Anonymous tab or entered in More > ISP Names Settings. The ISP tab provides the same rollover functions as those found in the Anonymous Prospects tab (Company Info, LinkedIn, Google, Add to Alerts, Mark as ISP, and Mark as Customer).
  • USA Visits Map tab – Use this tab to see the geographic source of visits by the U.S. state. Rollover any state to see the count of visits from that state in the chosen calendar time period.
  • World Visits – Use this tab to see the geographic source of visits by country. Rollover any country to see the count of visits from that country in the chosen calendar time period.

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