Using Salesforce CRM
How to Import Salesforce Users
To allow a Salesforce user access to Act-On features, they must be imported in Act-On as a Sales U...
Salesforce Data Push Features
When syncing records to your Salesforce account, there are many options on how to send records and...
Syncing Hard Bounces with Salesforce
When an email address is added to your Hard Bounces list in Act-On, you can update the correlating...
Syncing Lead Scores with Salesforce
The Act-On Behavior Score (or lead score) can easily be synchronized with your Salesforce account....
Importing Salesforce Lists, Reports, and Campaigns
To begin marketing to your Salesforce database from Act-On, you will need to import your Leads and...
Enabling Email Templates for Salesforce
Act-On's integration with Salesforce allows marketing and sales users to send Act-On email message...
Importing a Salesforce Report into Act-On and how to add required fields
Sometimes you may see a warning that states there is a missing required field on your report, whic...
Associating a Webinar with a Salesforce Campaign
Use Act-On to sync Webinar registrants to Salesforce Campaigns. Setup will vary based on the webin...
Creating a Salesforce Campaign from Act-On
Marketing lists, form submissions, and webinar lists in Act-On can be pushed to your Salesforce ac...
View Salesforce Form Push Errors
Act-On forms can be set to automatically push signups to Salesforce Professional, Enterprise, or U...