In Act-On, you can add admin users, marketing users, and sales users as needed. You can also remove or change user licenses at any time.
Do you need a marketing user, an admin user, or a sales user?
Each type of user has different privileges and capabilities in your Act-On account:
- Administrators (admins) define account policies, user profiles & privileges, and designate email launch approvals
- Marketing users create, manage, and send content based on privileges set by the Administrator
- Sales users view website prospects and send 1-to-1 emails through Act-On
Learn more about Act-On's user types here.
Add a new user
Your Act-On account is licensed for a specific number of marketing and sales users. For admin access, each marketing user can have admin privileges added. The first marketing user has admin access by default.
- Go to Settings > Users
- Click Manage users > Add new user(s)
- Select user type and fill in their information
- Add an optional custom message to the invitation email
- Select user permissions, or copy permissions from another user
- If you'd like to invite multiple new users, click Add multiple users
- Click Invite to confirm
- Act-On will send the new user a validation email
- The new user must click the email link to set their password and log in for the first time
Delete a user
- Go to Settings > Users
- Go to the Marketing Users or Sales Users tab
- Hover over the user you wish to delete, access the overflow menu and click Delete user
- Click OK to confirm deleting the user
Add administrator privileges
To provide admin access to an existing marketing user:
- Go to Settings > Users
- Hover over the marketing user
- Click the Edit permissions icon
- Toggle Has administrator access to enabled
Learn more about setting user privileges here.
Add Sales Portal users
Add sales user(s)
See Add a New User above for instructions on adding new sales users one by one or in bulk.
Bulk import sales users from Salesforce
Accounts connected with Salesforce can add Salesforce users with an automated import. See this article for more instructions: How to Import Salesforce Users
How do I change a user's email address?
An Act-On user's email address cannot be changed. Instead, you must first delete the user and then add them again with their new email address.
My user did not receive a confirmation email. What can I do?
- Confirm the user's email address in Act-On is correct.
- Have them check their spam folder for the confirmation message.
- You can resend the confirmation message by going to Settings > Users, find the user and hover over their name. Click the three dots to access an overflow menu. Then click Resend verification email.
- If the problem persists, contact Act-On support and we can validate the email and provide a temporary password for the user.
How do I add more marketing or sales users to my account?
If you've reached your account's limit for adding marketing and sales users, contact your Account Manager or Act-On Support to increase your limit.