Create a Landing Page From an Email

  • Updated

Once you create or send an email in Act-On, you can create a Landing Page using the same email. This is a popular option for archiving newsletters or making general email messages available to your website prospects.

This is possible for emails created in the Email Composer & legacy emails:

  • Landing Pages created from Legacy emails are edited with the Legacy Landing Page Composer.
  • Landing Pages created from Email Composer emails are edited with the new Landing Page Composer.
  • It is not yet possible to create Landing Pages from scratch using the new Landing Page Composer.

Save an Email as a Landing Page

You can create a Landing Page from emails in Drafts, Sent Messages & also Email Templates

Draft Email

  1. Go to Outbound > Drafts & find the email you want.
  2. Hover over your chosen email & from the dropdown, select Make Landing Page.
  3. Confirm when prompted.
  4. A new browser tab opens with the new or Legacy Landing Page Composer, depending on your email choice.

Sent Message

  1. Go to Outbound > Sent Messages & find the email you want.
  2. Hover over your chosen email & from the dropdown, select Make Landing Page.
  3. Choose a name & location & click Change
  4. If you selected an email created in the Email Composer, a new browser tab opens with the new Landing Page Composer.
    If you selected a legacy email, a confirmation appears. Go to Content > Landing Pages & open your Landing Page to edit in the Legacy Landing Page Composer.

Email Template

  1. Go to Content > Email Templates & find the email template you want.
  2. Hover over your chosen email template & from the  menu, select Create landing page.
  3. Choose a name & location (add Tags if you want), & click Create landing page.
  4. If you selected an email created in the Email Composer, a new browser tab opens with the new Landing Page Composer.
    If you selected a legacy email, a confirmation appears. Go to Content > Landing Pages & open your Landing Page to edit in the Legacy Landing Page Composer.

Edit the Landing Page

Depending on your email choice, you edit your new Landing Page in the new or Legacy Landing Page Composer.

New Landing Page Composer

Create a Landing Page From an Email 00.png

Legacy Landing Page Composer

Learn more about the Properties, Design, & Review tabs here.

Landing Page URLs

When you have finished editing, access your Landing Page URLs.

New Landing Page Composer

  1. Go to Content > Landing Pages.
  2. Hover over your Landing Page & from the  menu, select Public URLs:

Create a Landing Page From an Email 01.png

  1. Landing Page public URLs are shown in the Settings tab of the new Landing Page Composer:

Create a Landing Page From an Email 02.png

Legacy Landing Page Composer

  1. Go to Content > Landing Pages & click the Landing Page title
  2. In the Details tab, under Settings, click Manage URLs to access the public URLs for the Landing Page:

Create a Landing Page From a Message 01.png

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