Add a Salesforce Campaign to Act-On

  • Updated

This feature allows Salesforce users to push a Salesforce Campaign over to Act-On and create a marketing list. This component is a button that creates a pop-up window to Act-On. The list is pushed to Act-On in the background.

Note: Though Sales users can use this to create Campaign lists in Act-On, only Marketing users will be able to view and manage these lists.


User Requirements

To use this feature, sales users must have:





Add the button to your Campaign Layout

These instructions apply to both Salesforce Classic and Lightning.

  1. Log in to Salesforce as an administrator
  2. Navigate to Page Layout setup:
    • In Classic, go to Setup > Build > Customize > Campaigns > Page Layouts
    • In Lightning, go to Setup > Quick Find > Object Manager > Campaign > Page Layouts
  3. Select the layout you wish to add the component to and Edit
  4. In the top console, navigate to Buttons
  5. Drag and drop the Add to Act-On List button over to Campaign Detail Custom Buttons.
    • Note: There are two versions of this button. Both will function the same, only one needs to be installed.
  6. In the top console, navigate to Mobile & Lightning Actions
  7. Drag and drop the Add to Act-On List button over to Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions.
  8. Click Save at the top console.
  9. Have a Sales user test the button (pop-ups must be disabled)

More info: Customize Page Layouts with the Enhanced Page Layout Editor (


Note: Do not install any Act-On Components from Visualforce Page or Custom S-Controls on the Campaign layout. These are not intended for use on this page.

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